Advertising and marketing are all about getting your brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace. At its best, the results are campaigns that are talked about and get results. But what does successful, memorable creative look like?
At Celtic, we work hard to make sure the creative we produce for our brand partners is memorable for the right reasons. That’s why when Edvest, Wisconsin’s official 529 college savings plan, tapped Celtic to help boost awareness of the program, our creative team thought about ways to grab the attention of busy parents. We knew competing programs tended to use images of babies or toddlers in their campaigns. And, it makes sense. After all, cute babies are cute and who has college savings on their minds more than new parents? (Okay, maybe parents of teenagers.)
But, all those babies and toddlers playing with piggy banks, no matter how adorable they may be, tend to blend together after a while. And, since Edvest accounts can be opened any time – not just when a baby is born – our team thought it was important to have creative that appealed to parents and relatives of older kids, too.
Enter the Edvest Apple. Our mascot is definitely not a cute baby (unless you talk to his creator, Celtic’s Creative Director). He is wise, friendly, helpful, and here to guide parents in learning about saving for their child’s education. He’s connected to Edvest’s current mark – a tree – and of course there’s always the “apple for the teacher” connection.
Most importantly, the Edvest Apple stands out among competing programs’ creative. He’s memorable, he gets people talking, and he has a personality all his own. He’s helped Edvest reach and in some cases exceed their goals for the brand, and ultimately, that’s what standout creative is all about.