Giving voice to a vision
Surfacide had already established a color palette, logo, and general look for their company and products. What they needed was a clearly defined way to put what they had together, and quickly express what the company stands for. That’s where Celtic came in.
We identified what made the company different from the other UV disinfection systems out there. First, the obvious: their flagship product, Helios®, uses three disinfecting towers while others use just one. Surfacide can offer users a shorter disinfection cycle, and easier user interface. But what makes them really different is their commitment to forward thinking and innovation. Celtic seized on that idea to create a company tagline that perfectly sums up the brand: Unmatched Vision.
From there, we built on the established look to create print and digital ads that captured the confident, innovative, future-focused personality of the Surfacide brand.
Our media department identified the best outlets to reach an audience that included everyone from CFOs of hospital systems, to environmental services and facilities managers, and the hourly workers who would be using the equipment every day. Meanwhile, the PR team created and distributed traditional press releases, and worked with Surfacide on a crisis communication plan.
What began as a branding initiative has grown into a strong agency-client relationship in a relatively short time. We’re thrilled with all we’ve done so far, and are looking forward to bringing more of Surfacide’s vision to life in the future.