What do you do at Celtic?
I’m the newbie! I started at Celtic in mid-August as a Social Media Strategist. I manage all aspects of our clients’ social media including strategy, content development, paid engagement, and measurement.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
So far, I’m really enjoying the variety of accounts I work on. I get to help promote everything from George Webb’s breakfast items to college savings plans, to fishing tools. It makes every day a little bit different and keeps me on my toes!
If you weren’t working in the advertising industry, what would you be doing?
I’m a crazy dog lady. I adopted a super sweet, goofy pit bull about 5 years ago who inspired me to get involved with a local rescue. I’ve been able to work with rescue dogs in the facility and help get them ready for their forever homes. If I weren’t doing this, I would definitely do that full time. (Side note, my dog is one of a kind and loves to embarrass me in public. I have some great stories if you ever want to hear them!)
Where is your dream vacation destination?
I want to go everywhere! I love places with a lot of history and culture, but I also love escaping to the mountains or the beach. If I have to choose just one, I’d say Italy tops my list right now.
It’s your final day on earth and you get to eat one last meal. What is it?
Homemade (preferably not by me) mac and cheese. Hands down.